Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4/19 Don Imus Controversy

DUE THUR 4/19 Don Imus Controversy
ANSWER ALL THREE QUESTIONS and post on your blog. Don't forget to put the questions in bold.
Short Answer: a few sentences for each question:
1. According to the NAACP, why should Imus be silenced?

The NAACP thinks that Imus should be silenced, one, for his rude remarks which are ractist as well as sexist and homophobic. More specifically though, what he said about the female Rutgers Basketball team. Not only do they say he is a problem because of his recent words, but he has also been making such comments for years, and they think it is finally time to do something about it.

2. According to Frank Rich, why should Imus not be silenced?
Frank Rich believes that Don Imus should not be silenced because he considers it freedom of speech. Also, he mentions that Imus didn’t make crude remarks to one minority group, but several, so it isnt like he is targeting one specific group. He also says that it is Imus' free speech although it is true that CBS has a right to censor it because it is also what they want to be seen as supporting.

Long Answer: Write a short essay, w/ intro, body and conclusion, about 4-5 paragraphs with at least 4 sentences each.
3. Do you think Imus should be silenced? Why?
Personally I think they are blowing what he has done WAY out of purportion. I mean, yes, he shouldnt have said what he said, but is it really nessacary to ban him from his work/talent? I think not. I definatley understand that people are offended by what he says, but plenty of other people say things that arent even paied attention to. Yes, he should have had the common sense not to say the things he did/does but he did addmit that what he has done is finially coming back to bite him in the ass.

Another thing that i dont understand is that why is it such a big deal about what he said when other people out there have music and TV have things that are much worse. Also the african american population seems to freak out more than they should when something "offends" them. Although, they seem to think they can say whatever they want about caucasion people. I really dont think it should matter the color of your skin. THERE ARE THINGS THAT YOU JUST CANT SAY! That means no matter what. Yes, if you are black and say something negativly to a white person, we should be able to say something back, disregaurding what might "offend" them. IT IS 2007 PEOPLE! NOT way back when where the african americans were slaves. I can understand the "N word" and how that shouldnt be used, because of where that word originated, but think about it. Why should they be able to say something about how bad/annoying/stupid/etc. a white person is and nothing is done? BUT when we say something about them... all hell is let loose. It just doesnt seem fair to me.

These days people of color/different race (other than white) always joke around and say things like "OH YOU'RE SO RACIST!" when I dont let them borrow a pencil for example... But GET REAL ALREADY! They flip out on the little things, even if it is in a joking matter. NO, I am not racist, I just think if someone says something "morally wrong" they should get punished equally, no matter what. What I am getting at is that Imus shouldnt get punished in such derastic measures, because sadly that fact is... And we all know it, that if a black person had an online air show putting down white people nothing would happen. It is unfortunate how they use our country's history to their advantage when racism hardly is even a big deal anymore. Yes, it still goes on, but NOTHING like how it used to be.

Basically people, of all races, need to GET OVER THEMSELVES and act like mature citizens of the United States. We all live here and need to get along. I think that all remarks, like the ones Imus has said, should just be kept to themselves OR to an audince who wants to hear it. Dont get it mixed in with people who get offended because all it causes is problems.


Anonymous said...

Susie, you can't base an argument on speculation. I'd like you to name one modern instance of a black person using a racial slur against a white person and getting away with it.

You say that, 'if a black person did', but you provide no examples at all.

It's not that hard being white, Susie.

Susie Madruga said...

mike, youre not black!
get over yourself, thanks :]

Susie Madruga said...

oh and if you would like an example MTV has a show that constantly has black people making fun/ and mocking white people.
i dont find it funny,
we dont do that, especailly on TV.

oh && another thing, is it really THAT hard being black?

Anonymous said...

I never said I was black Susie, you need to get over your damn self. Just because I'm white I have to support my race and it's history constantly? Hell no. I am absolutely not proud of what the white race has done to the world, and are still doing.

I agree that it's more class than race these days, but race is still an issue. Get out of that little bubble of ignorace and see the world for how it is.

And what's the name of this show, Susie?

Susie Madruga said...

mike, please dont use those words on my blog.
And i never said that you said you were black...
i said that you aren't black.
And you are always saying that you arent proud of what the white race has done/is still doing... ok GREAT!
i dont really care, quite frankly.
if you have actually been listening to what ive been saying is that i think all people no matter if they are mexican/black/white/asian/etc. they should all have the same consequence for negatively commenting on someone about their race.
We talked about the show today...
Actually i am kind of over you, and you're always trying to twist my words around.
i am done trying to tell you what i think, ive told you... there is no need to go into this further.

p.s. i dont appreciate your jokes about me being racist, or saying stuff like i dont want to sit somewhere because i dont want to look at someone's "mexican face"... maybe bart said that, but the point is, im not. i am being anything BUT racist in saying everyone should have equal rights and/or restictions.

Anonymous said...

Susie, by telling me that I'm not black, you obviously think that I think I am. Being sensitive to minority issues does not mean I wish to be a minority.

Do you expect me to conform to the lifestyle of a typical white person?

Before we can reach equality, there has to be some realization first. People need to realize that race is and always has been an important issue. And to ignore it is ridiculous. You can talk about the ideal society all you want, but it doesn't help. I agree that equality is the essential goal, but I cannot concentrate on that until we are actually at that point. First, I must concentrate on bringing in the upper class/race (white, rich) down a notch and bringing the lower class/races (dark skinned, poor) up a notch. By doing this, equality can be achieved.

I'm glad you're over me, Susie. It's probably better for you in the end.

I sincerely apologize for any jokes that may have offended you. They were all unnecessary and if I could take them back, I would.

Susie Madruga said...

Well, i know what you mean by saying it IS a big issue, but i dont think its as big as you make it seem. If you really do look at society now there are many, amoung many black/colored people in the upper class, as time goes on only more and more will become what you think of as the upper class now (white people?)
Well anyway i just really dont want to talk about this topic with you any longer, i have my veiws you have yours, i am not going to try and influence your thoughts with mine, it wont work.
And obviously yours arnet going to have an impact on mine.
Lets just drop this.
And thanks, cause they arent funny, as much as i know you're just joking... just keep it to yourself.

Susie Madruga said...

& i am also sorry saying that you want to be black, it was more of a thing that i have heard you say you arent proud to be white, and other things like that. And you seem so interested about African American's rights, i kind of said it without thinking (and dont try and turn that statement on me) so im sorry if that pissed you off or something...

Anonymous said...

Alright Susie, I'll respect you wanting to end this conversation.

As far as the 'wanting to be black' thing, apology accepted.