Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3/21 Republic Assignment

DUE WED 3/21 Republic Assignment
Don’t forget to cut/paste the questions and answers and to post them on your blog with the questions in bold.

Print out your work and keep it in your binder so you can reference it in class.
Read the italics on p. 37 (that's right, only one paragraph). Read the rest of the section, up to p. 40, if you like. It is not required.
As you read, remember that function means purpose. When Socrates talks about a person or a thing’s “function” he means his/her/its purpose. The function of a student is to learn, the function of a knife is to cut etc…Minimum one long paragraph
Prompt: In your opinion, how can acting “right” (i.e. justly) help or harm the achievement of happiness? In your answer you need to first establish, in true Socratic fashion, what you mean by "right" (justice) and what you mean by happiness. What do you think Socrates would say about what you wrote and/or what do you think Thrasymachus would say?
As usual you can develop your own prompt. If you do, keep in mind the guidelines I have written in the previous blogs.If you are stuck with this section and cannot write anything about happiness and justice, then you can develop your own prompt based on another section from the Plato readings.

Personally, i think the only person who can decide if you are just or not, and it is you. Everyone has a conscience. Everyone knows right from wrong, and if you choose to be "true" to yourself then you know that you are doing good. If you do "wrong", most of us feel a little guilty. In life, there is always going to be someone who disagrees with someone else. No matter if it is on the topic of being just, religion, or politics, etc. I think that no matter what, you and only yourself, can be your true inner opinion on the topic of being "just." It's one of those things where whatever you have to say, there is always going to be a voice to contradict yours. It is so frustrating to try and make your point across. Socrates is lucky because in that day in time so many important people were so easily persuaded to believe in what he believes. Although this day in age, it is much, much harder. Everyone has their own say in things and argueing about it usually just starts conflict. I have come to the conclusion that what i think is just, is waht i think is just, so if i can be that, then thats all that matters. If someone else doesnt approve of that, thats just too bad because, quite frankly, i could care less.
screw da haters :D

1 comment:

I Kiss Dating Goodbye said...

I agree that there’s going to be people that are going to disagree from your perspective but there’s other who would agree. Though I think you being the person judging who just I is kinda think we would go for our convenience unless we have heart. Great response!!!